Purchase Order Form

Receive our resources for FREE!

Say goodbye to using your own money for teaching resources. Just quickly and easily fill out all of the information in the form to the left and we'll take care of the rest!


"As a 8th grade U.S. history teacher, I had no idea that I could use a purchase order from my school to pay for Jillian's amazing 8th grade U.S. History curriculum. She not only informed me of this, but facilitated the whole process seamlessly. I'd highly recommend Lesson Plan Guru to any teacher out there."

-Jim T., Plano, TX


"Jillian and her team at Lesson Plan Guru was exceptionally supportive when using a Purchase Order, ensuring all the necessary information was provided and within a matter of days I had access to all the curriculum I needed for my 5th grade social studies class!. Thank you, Jillian"

-Amanda R., Naperville, IL


Using a purchase order was not only easy but also allowed me access to valuable educational materials and curriculumĀ that have made a significant difference in my classroom. I'd strongly recommend Lesson Plan Guru to other teachers looking for high-quality curriculum and a smooth purchasing process.

-Nicole G., Keystone, FL


Purchase Order Form Request

Simply fill out the information below and we'll send an invoice (Purchase Order) over to your school for payment!