The BEST multiple choice questions on the US Constitution

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Constitution Multiple Choice Questions

As a US history teacher, one of our main goals is to ensure that our students have a THOROUGH understanding of the Constitution and Bill of Rights!


The reason is simple as these important historical documents lay out the fundamental rights of American citizens and establish the framework of our national government.

Multiple choice questions can be an effective way to assess student understanding of these important texts. Because they provide students with a variety of ways to demonstrate their knowledge of the subject matter, multiple choice questions are a popular method of assessment as they offer a range of possible answers. Here are some things to keep in mind when drafting your own, or using already-created, multiple-choice questions on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights:

  • The multiple choice questions should clearly relate to a specific aspect of the Constitution or Bill of Rights
  • The possible answers should be distinct and cover a range of possible responses
  • The correct answer should be the best answer and based upon the text of the Constitution, as well as any additional information you and your students discussed in class (in particular when it comes to the constitutional convention and the historical context in which the Constitution was written and how the Constitution allocates certain powers to state governments in order to enact their own state laws)



It's important to think about the students' expected knowledge level (level of understanding) when writing multiple-choice questions. Basic knowledge questions can assess student understanding of the text of the Constitution, while more complex questions can assess student understanding of constitutional issues, constitutional provisions, or constitutional law.

Here's one example of a basic knowledge question about the U.S. Constitution:

Which branch of government is responsible for the execution of laws?

  1. Legislative
  2. Executive
  3. Judicial
  4. None of the above

The correct answer in this case is B, the executive branch. This question evaluates student understanding of the separation of powers and the role of the executive branch in the government as established by the Constitution.


A good follow-up question could be:

Which of the following position(s) fall under the Executive Branch?

  1. Supreme Court justices
  2. Senator
  3. Vice President
  4. None of the above

The correct answer is C, and questions like this help make sure students understand the many roles and responsibilities of our federal government and which branch they fall under.


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A more complex question might be something like:

The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms. Which of the following statements best describes how this right has been interpreted by the courts over time?

  1. The right to bear arms is absolute and cannot be restricted in any way
  2. The right to bear arms is subject to reasonable regulation by the government
  3. The right to bear arms is limited to state militias
  4. The right to bear arms does not exist

The correct answer in this case is B, the right to bear arms is subject to reasonable regulation by the government. This question is meant to gauge how well students understand the Second Amendment and the ongoing debate surrounding the interpretation of this amendment.


Multiple choice questions can also be used to assess student understanding of the Bill of Rights. For example:

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to due process?

  1. First Amendment
  2. Second Amendment
  3. Fifth Amendment
  4. Tenth Amendment

The correct answer in this case is C, the Fifth Amendment. This question attempts to gauge the extent to which students have studied and understand the Constitution, in particular, the Bill of Rights and the rights it guarantees to U.S. citizens.


Keep in mind, multiple choice questions aren't the only tool in your arsenal as a history teacher, nor should it EVER be!


Multiple-choice questions are a great study aid for students, but they should be used in conjunction with short-answer questions and essay questions, as well as other types of assessment methods, to most easily and accurately assess student comprehension of the subject matter. For some additional suggestions, check out my other article "Top 10 East and Creative Ways to Teach History"! A good short-answer question might ask students something like "explain the significance of the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution," and an essay question might ask students something like "describe the evolution of the Commerce Clause over time". For some ideas and suggestions on how to ask your students thought-provoking critical thinking questions, have a look at my article "The BEST US History Essential Questions (EQ's) to ask students"! When using multiple-choice questions as a method of assessment, always remember to use these questions in conjunction with other study aids. Moreover, when it comes to more nuanced or complex constitutional issues, multiple-choice questions are not the most suitable or adequate means of gauging students' grasp of the material.


No more stress over lesson planning!


To wrap it all up, multiple-choice questions can be an effective tool for assessing student understanding of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. When creating multiple-choice questions, it's important to keep in mind the level of understanding being assessed and to ensure that the question and possible answers are clear and distinct. Additionally, multiple-choice questions should be used in conjunction with other study aids, such as short-answer and essay questions, in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of student understanding. It is also important to remember the historical context in which the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written. The Constitution was written during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, led by figures such as George Washington and James Madison, often referred to as the "Father of the Constitution." The Bill of Rights, consisting of the first ten amendments, was added in 1791, and was intended to address concerns raised by the Anti-Federalists who were worried about the power of the federal government. It's also important to note that the U.S. Constitution is not a static document; it's amended over time to adapt to the changing needs of the nation. The Constitution has been amended 27 times since its ratification in 1788 through the process of constitutional amendment. Help to ensure your students have a deep understanding of the basic principles and constitutional issues that underpin the United States government by using well-designed multiple-choice questions!


If you don't have the time or desire to create highly curated multiple choice worksheets, you're in luck!  


A core component of the history curriculum bundles I offer through this website utilize grade-level appropriate and well thought out multiple choice question and answer worksheets!


Learn more about my curriculum bundles HERE!


Thank you so much for reading!

-Jillian (a.k.a. the "Lesson Plan Guru")















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